Ebony Wand


From equatorial Africa, Ebony is usually found in wet lowlands near rivers and swaps. Devoid of color, Ebony has ink black with lighter streaks. Only a small percentage of Ebony (three to five percent) produce the highest quality jet black color. Most pieces contain 50-70% sapwood with deep heart checks and voids in the heart with fall off of 80-90%. Ebony is hard and costly to produce, which makes it a rare species to obtain. It is difficult to work, glues satisfactorily, and has a tendency to want to split, but takes a really nice polish that makes it worth the work. Ebony is a treasured hardwood that was used by the Egyptian Pharaohs over 3,000 years ago. Diospyrus crassiflora.

This wood draws from the deeper levels of the mind. A powerful wood used for the defense, reversal, and dispelling of dark magic. Combined with the force of all the elements earth, fire, wind and water, this is a truly diverse tool. Excellent for defensive magic. Ebony is considered to be the most powerful of the magical woods. Gabon Ebony is considered to be the most powerful of the magical woods. It is protective and non-discriminating towards the user. Ebony/Gaboon Ebony: A very dense wood.

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